Adam & Eve Finds Most Adults Prefer Having Sex on Weekends

HILLSBOROUGH, N.C.—Adam & Eve is not afraid to ask the hard questions when it comes to all things sexual. This month’s Great American Sex Survey asked 1,000 adults which days they prefer to “get busy!”

While it’s not surprising that most adults choose weekends for sex (with 30 percent of respondents preferring Saturday, 22 percent preferring Friday and 20 percent Sunday), the next highest day for sex was Wednesday, or “hump day” (with 14 percent favoring it).

Resident sex expert, Dr. Kat Van Kirk, says, “Less structured time on the weekends can definitely lead to more sex. That physical and emotional bonding time is imperative for couples to stay connected in regards to their overall relationships."

When it comes to mid-week sex, Dr. Kat says, "It's a long schlep Monday through Friday. 'Hump Day' is a good reminder (even in name), that we can always use a little sexual boost without having to wait for the weekend. It may also have to do with our biorhythms. Wednesday is about equal time to/from the weekend and it may be when our bodies crave sex the most."

Of the remaining numbers polled, 13 percent replied they choose to have their “sexy time” on Mondays and Thursdays and 12 percent chose Tuesdays as their day for lovemaking. Interestingly, a whopping 65 percent of all respondents said they have no preference when it comes to which day they choose to have sex.

Chad Davis, marketing director for Adam & Eve, adds, “When it comes to sex, most American adults are happy to make time in their busy schedules. Adam & Eve offers many products to enhance the experience…whether it’s a stolen weekday afternoon or an entire romantic weekend.”

The web-based survey, conducted by an independent third party survey company, of over 1,000 American adults age 18 and up, was sponsored by Adam & Eve to study sexual preferences and practices. Sex Chat with Dr. Kat can be found on podcasts through iTunes or