702 Locations Offers Vegas Real Estate for Filming or Purchase

LAS VEGAS, Nevada—For members of the adult industry seeking to relocate to the Las Vegas area, 702 Locations was formed to them find locations for filming and properties to purchase. From high-end houses to exotic dwellings to warehouses and decorated sets, 702 Locations says it has some of the most reasonable daily rates available.

“I’m a Las Vegas native and I know the city like the palm of my hand,” said owner John “JC” Baumgartner. “I’m excited that the industry is slowly gravitating here and know the demand for real estate rentals and sales is rising daily, and we’re here to help.”

In addition to being a licensed realtor, JC has spent 14 years in the adult industry as a co-owner of OC Modeling and the president of Pornstar Platinum and OC Cash. His experience in adult production and real estate will surely benefit anyone looking the perfect location to rent or buy.

The next venture for the company will be rental of exotic vehicles.

For more information about current rates and monthly specials, call 702.469.3999 or visit 702locations.com.