Traffic Force Upgrades Its Publisher Admin Panel

CYBERSPACE—After generating billions of impressions each month for advertisers via a network of internal and external publisher sites, the Traffic Force team is now going even deeper into the data by providing an analytical dashboard for all publishers seeking to review and compare the detailed metrics of every transaction.

“The latest update to our Publisher Admin Panel makes data available on all segments of traffic, allowing each publisher to dig deeper into their data where you can find out what is actually making you the most money,” explained Ross of “We break down earnings by country, language, ad type, browser, device type, OS, device, source, carrier and more to provide granular information that you can act on quickly to optimize the value of every impression you sell.”

Users' traffic, data, and decisions are made even easier to work with by a powerful suite of important tools and a state of the art publisher interface aimed at improving the tracking, optimization efficiency and ROI of every click. All data is available directly in the user's browser or it can securely export it in the user's own desired format to use externally as well.

To see the newly upgraded TrafficForce Publisher Interface in action, users may simply log into their existing account or visit