Survey Reveals Creepy Trend: Co-Worker Stalking

LONDON, UKHarriet Sugarcookie, owner and founder of, recently polled 2,000 men and women to find out what are their secret lurking habits on social media—and what she found was surprising—and not entirely pleasing.

In her latest post, 2 Out of 5 Guys You Work With Masturbate to Your Social Media Photos, the actress/webmistress revealed that “more than 50% of your work colleagues will be checking out your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

“And they might be doing a lot more than just looking,” Sugarcookie added, noting that 39% of men and 42% of women have admitted to masturbating to colleagues’ social media photos. 51% of women assumed men were doing this already, but “only 21% of guys thought maybe their female co-workers would masturbate to their photos.”

When it comes to Facebook stalking, UK women lead the way, with 67% admitting they look at their hot colleagues' photos. Only 38% of American women admitted to doing the same. UK and USA men, on the other hand, are much more similar, each reporting 58% and 61% "Yes" answers respectively.

Sugarcookie observed that the behavior might seem a bit disturbing: “Maybe it’s because it’s taboo to fantasize about someone at work. Mixing work and pleasure can be considered very naughty. There’s nothing wrong with fantasizing about someone… The term ‘online stalking’ sounds creepy, but as long as you keep it harmless and healthy, you’re not breaking any laws by looking at public social media profiles.”

To read the full post, click here.

Fans may wish to visit Harriet Sugarcookie on her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter (@HSugarCookie) and Instagram (@harrietsugarcookie).