Mobius Payments Shares Pros of Securing Merchant Account

LOS ANGELES—Mobius Payments says the benefits of having your own merchant account include increased flexibility and control over your business and above all, an almost instant 5 percent bump in revenues which is why so many business owners are making the transition from third-party processing to merchant processing.

But the company asks, is this the right solution for you?

To help business owners decide what would best fit their needs when it comes to processing online transactions and sales, they need to examine all available options, from third-party processors who assume most of the liability in exchange for higher transaction fees, to online merchant processors who offer ways to streamline business.

Third-party processors offer some security because they act as the gatekeeper, screening all transactions. But what few business owners realize is that third-party companies have a higher rejection rate (also known as scrubbing) than what they’d encounter with their own merchant account. Many sales are lost to unnecessary scrubbing.

Mobius Payments has more than a decade of experience in online processing, which includes understanding top-line revenue, managing risk, handling global transactions in different currencies and more. Moreover, Mobius Payments says it provides fast, easy, secure end-to-end reliable merchant systems set up to receive electronic payments online.

High-Risk Merchant Activation is what Mobius Payments specializes in for both domestic and international payment processing. The company says its educated staff understands the intricacies of online payment processing and is available to answer all e-commerce questions, address concerns and help business owners through the transition.

For more information on Mobius Payments or how to obtain your own merchant account visit or email [email protected].