JustFor.Fans Adds Black Lives Matter to Charitable Giving Plan

LOS ANGELES — Adult social platform JustFor.fans (JFF) is demonstrating its support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement by extending donations to the organization each month.
The company has committed to charitable donations in order to help the non-profit organization, started in 2013 to fight police brutality, racism, and acts of violence against black communities.
“The JustFor.fans Giving Program was established over a year ago so that our community could help those in need,” said a company rep. “We are adding Black Lives Matter to our designated list of charities, so models who are able to donate and help take a stand can do so without sacrificing their livelihoods.
“JustForFans stands fully behind Black Lives Matter, our models of color, and our entire userbase, in wishing this cycle of violence against people of color would end,” they continued.
JFF asks its fans and supporters to join the company in its quest for equality for everyone, and do their part to create harmony for all.
“During this critical time, we are here to lend our support and hope others are inspired to do so as well,” the rep explained.
Since its launch in 2018, the online fan site has grown into a compassionate community that brings together studios, agents, photographers, and affiliates in order to generate more revenue for its patrons, with charitable activities that support JFF users.
To learn more, visit JustFor.fans and follow on social media on Twitter.