JuicyAds Increasingly Exercises Its Online Adult Muscle

VANCOUVER — JuicyAds is actively monetizing over 11 percent of the internet's adult websites, according to a recent study.
The study was completed by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pennsylvania.
Out of the more than 22,000 porn sites examined in the study from the top Alexa websites, approximately 11 percent were being monetized by JuicyAds, The Sexy Advertising Network.
"We are pleased to see the strength of our market share of adult websites being identified by notable third party studies," said Juicy Jay, CEO and Founder of JuicyAds. "We have been working harder than ever and our inventory continues to grow, as well as our platform features, such as the Adsistant auto-optimization tool that has been a revolutionary time-saver."
In previous years, W3Techs ranked JuicyAds as one of the Top 10 Advertising Networks in the world, which encompassed both mainstream and adult advertising networks.