ExoClick Updates Adblock Technology NeverBlock

BARCELONA—ExoClick has updated NeverBlock, its ad block circumventing solution. NeverBlock’s advanced technology bypasses ad blockers to recapture revenue for publishers. It works on all browsers (including Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, etc.) and on all platforms and devices (desktop, mobile, tablet and smart TV).

Previously NeverBlock's technology supported banners and pop-unders; the new update now also supports the following additional ad formats:

*Native Ads
*Sticky Banners
*Desktop & Mobile Instant Messages

There are now two implementation options: Automatic implementation for PHP websites or manual implementation. Additionally, there is a new NeverBlock API with instructions for unsupported languages such as Lua, Python, Ruby, etc. and a WordPress plugin has been developed to easily integrate NeverBlock ad zones into WordPress sites.

NeverBlock's improved script ensures it is compatible with multiple ad blockers, not just ABP.

CEO and founder of ExoClick Benjamin Fonzé remarked, “NeverBlock is available for free to all ExoClick clients and is a simple process of placing a line of code on your website. Our unique technology ensures that advertisements still get shown even if a user has ad blocking software installed and switched on. This update gives publishers even more options to gain revenues from ad block traffic.”

Visit NeverBlock.com for more information.

Some NeverBlock statistics from 2017:

Ad block impressions circumvented in 2017 (billions)

Q1 – 19.46
Q2 – 24.53
Q3 – 23.87
Q4 – 24.62

Top 10 GEOs benefiting from NeverBlock in 2017 (billions of impressions)

USA 19.2
Germany 10.27
India 4.89
France 4.62
Switzerland 4.56
Indonesia 4.16
UK 3.29
Netherlands 2.83
Canada 2.74
Russia 2.43

Percentage of impressions per Device that NeverBlock circumvented in 2017

Desktop 71.7%
Mobile 26.1%
Tablets 1.8%
Smart TV 0.3%