Amberly Rothfield Pens New Guide of Best Practices for Models

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.—It hasn't escaped Amberly Rothfield's attention that Visa and Mastercard have been screwing around with adult payments to Pornhub, so she has looked towards preparing models for the possible side effects of that decision to end such transactions. Her newest guide is designed to help models prepare themselves if something further unexpectedly happens.

This guide, clocking in at more than 5,000 words, is styled as a blog post and is available for free on It covers a wide range of topics, including starting a website, collaborations with other models, keeping a backup copy of all content, using a diverse group of platforms, and more tried and true methods.

While she does admit that the news about Visa and Mastercard initiated it, Rothfield noted that her guide extends beyond that.

“I started working on this guide after Visa and Mastercard’s decisions. But everything in this guide can help models set themselves up for success if anything goes wrong, from a website disappearing to having your profile deleted," she noted.

Fans may follow Rothfield on Twitter to learn about upcoming classes, events, and more. The author’s books, including the best-selling How I made $10,000 A Month As A Phone Sex Operator, are available on Amazon. Tickets for upcoming classes can be purchased on Crowdcast. Videos, guides, and more can be found for free at