Adult Empire Examines Croatia’s Porn Trends in Infographic

PITTSBURGH—Adult Empire is taking a long, hard look at Croatia and its adult entertainment habits in the company's Global Porn Trends infographic.

“To get a better handle on worldwide trends in the adult industry, it's important to take a look at what fans are watching in other nations,” said Adult Empire’s Director of Marketing Megan Wozniak. “So we decided to explore the erotic interests of Croatia's people and how they differ from the U.S. and other parts of the world.”

The sovereign state is ranked 57th in its consumption of porn, viewed mostly (75 percent) on a computer rather than a mobile device, all-girl/lesbian is the most popular category and 64 percent of Croatia's viewers are between the ages of 25 and 44. Sunday is the busiest viewing day, with 4 minutes spent online per visit.

Croatia's favorite porn stars include Hungarian porn star Victoria Dark and American starlets Ashlynn Brooke and Brett Rossi.

“Our data reveals the important influences and trends that reflect what's unique to different countries,” said Wozniak. “Even though our cultures and daily lives are quite diverse across the globe, it's fascinating to see that carnal interests are often universal.”

Megan Wozniak was selected to join the Remote Year international tour program for professionals, which started May 1. Wozniak will continue her executive role at Adult Empire, running daily AE business from a different country every month while networking and learning from Remote Year’s unique community of individuals. Wozniak will be taking “The adventures of Adult Empire abroad” and giving people the opportunity to follow along for the ride via @EmpireMegs on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

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