World Wide Content Joins ‘Phoenix Frenzy’ at Forum

GLENDALE, Calif. - Content licensing leader World Wide Content will sponsor "Phoenix Frenzy Poker After Hours," a Texas Hold 'em poker and suite party set for 10 p.m.-4 a.m. Thursday through Saturday in Suite 2041 at the Tempe Mission Palms during the Phoenix Forum.


World Wide Content, along with SmashBucks, Python, Right Hosting and CECash, invites friends and business associates to the late-night festivities, including poker games, mini-tournaments, music, drinks, food and cigars, all while networking in a palatial poolside hotel suite.


"WWC is happy to be teaming up with our good friends and colleagues to bring you the ‘Poker After Hours Suite Party,' the ultimate late-night hangout ... we bet everyone is going to enjoy," said Raffi Vartanian, CEO and founder of World Wide Content. "Come join us while we play poker, enjoy a cigar and a drink, and hang out while networking. It's the kind of event WWC loves to be a part of and hopes to see you all there."


For more information, visit