Win the Ultimate Date with Nikki Delano on

LOS ANGELES—How many times have you fantasized about going on a date with a porn star? Dreams can come true with a lucky bid on an auction to win an all expenses paid date with Nikki Delano, which includes round trip airfare to Las Vegas, dinner, drinks and the night of a lifetime.

It’s easy to get in on all the action. Register for free at and buy a bid package. Each bid costs one dollar and once the auction is over, the highest bidder will be the winner at the close of the auction. For more information and to start bidding, go to Her auction ends in 12 days.

“This sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to interact with my fans,” says Delano. “I get asked all the time on dates, so now is your chance. Make sure to bid and check back often to make sure you’re winning.”