Site Certifications Now Visible In Five Languages

NEW YORK— site certifications are already displayed prominently on the join pages of many of the best known brands online. The seals have received more than 1.7 billion views across hundreds of sites in a variety of mainstream and adult markets. Now the certificates can easily be translated into German, Italian, Spanish, French or English by any consumer with a single click of their mouse.

"As emerging markets continue to increase their influence on the success of commercial websites globally, having each site certification available in more languages makes good sense," said Stewart Tongue of "We take the feedback of our customers and the millions of consumers who utilize to find ethical sites online very seriously. As additional languages become prominent we will continually add new translations to accommodate everyone in their own native tongue."

The certifications explain that each site has passed a rigorous ethics inspection which may include detailed review of terms and conditions pages, cancellation policies, privacy policies and test joins to ensure that consumers are being treated fairly during all interactions with a certified site. Other trust seals focus on scanning for viruses or preventing third parties from engaging in nefarious behavior, but is the industry leader in preventing sites from mistreating customers or visitors via unscrupulous business practices.

"It has been said many times that there is no such thing as a completely air tight method of monitoring all activities of a website with absolute certainty," added Tongue. "While there is certainly some truth to that, highlighting the ethical brands who voluntarily have their sites inspected and relying on a combination of automated and manual techniques to exclude bad actors is allowing and the brands we certify to continue making an important difference."

The certifications were translated by experts at, a company with years of experience and direct access to native speakers from many nations who are capable of providing quality commercial text translations for mainstream or adult brands.

"We were obviously pleased to be a part of this project," said Colin of Translations XXX. "Working with a prestigious brand like also makes it clear that we agree with the basic philosophy involved - that good companies and consumers ought to be banding together to deal in fair value as part of an ethical purchasing experience online."

For more information about or to begin the simple process of having your sites certified, ethical webmasters are encouraged to visit or email [email protected].