Webbilling.com Offers EU Direct Debit on 8000 Handsets

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL.—E.U. non-card payment leader Webbilling.com has added surfer-specific join pages for display to smartphone users and also non-smart phones.

Mobile users surfing on WiFi cannot take advantage of their carrier billing methods because at the moment of purchase they are not surfing on their networks. On WiFi, they must pay via credit card or direct debit, which means if a merchant does not offer direct debit to your mobile EU surfers, they are losing revenue.

As more and more users search for and enter their preferred websites via mobile, merchants need the ability to accept payments by all methods to maximize revenues, and capture every possible join.

“As we all know, the easier it is for the visitor to pay, the easier the join,” JoeD said. “It is mandatory to cater to the surfing needs of every user online when it comes to billing.”

Webbilling.com offers two very effective billing methods for Europe: Direct Debit (where funds are withdrawn directly from the end customers’ bank accounts) and Advanced Direct Pay (where the user can take advantage of the ability to wire money to local bank accounts), with more on the way.

Education in the credit and debt culture in Europe is the first step in understanding how the Webbilling solutions can add significant revenue to the bottom line of every ecommerce enterprise with E.U. traffic, without cannibalizing credit card sales.

These potential non-card users are in your current traffic; merchants must ensure they are able to take their payments, and now that includes payments while surfing on just about every handset known to man.

Not mobile ready? Regardless of your present mobile operational level, please forward any question regarding monetization of your mobile traffic from A to Z.

For more information on the Webbilling.com non-card payment platform for Europe, applications for mobile, and mobile traffic conversion, please write to [email protected].