Launches, Adult Search & Classifieds

LOS ANGELES— is a free, adult-only search engine and online classifieds portal featuring adult personals, adult job and talent listings, and more, including the ability for users to post, browse, and respond to any listing free of charge.

In an announcement issued Wednesday, the company says makes it simple for surfers to find exactly what they are looking for, providing incredibly powerful and precise search capabilities with a data-store of more than 100,000 completely free, premium adult videos.

Quietly launched in beta in June 2011, the site has since gained traction and users. "I thought you could find everything on Google or Yahoo but this is way more precise, and saves so much time with my searches," said Michael, an early user of the website. “The free adult classifieds are the perfect compliment to the amazing search functionality. I have not found a similar site that covers as many categories, with such a clean and simple to use approach, anywhere else on the Internet.”

Pete Johnson, a representative of the website, said, "Web surfers searching adult content have been made targets for spyware, viruses, spam and every other form of malicious program. blocks all this destructive content providing surfers with only the highest quality and safest adult content on the Internet. makes searching for the hottest, premium, free adult videos safe, fast, and easy.”

For more information, visit here.