Titcoin Profiled by Men’sHealth Magazine

NEW YORK—Titcoin has another proverbial feather in their cap—Titcoin founder Edward Mansfield was interviewed by Men’sHealth Magazine. The article entitled “The Disappearing Paying Porn Consumer Who Actually Pays for Porn Anymore? An Investigation,” delves into cryptocurrency as a way to anonymously buy adult products and services, saying Titcoin “isn't any more traceable than a dollar bill stuffed into a stripper's G-string.” Read the article in its entirety here.

“If Titcoin helps the adult industry by getting people to pay for goods or services, rather than stealing them, we’re all for it,” said Mansfield. “Titcoin isn’t just for the consumer, but for the industry also, and we’re going to be announcing some new partnerships very soon.”

In other Titcoin news, Bluetrade (the currency exchange they’re on) is now allowing direct Titcoin to U.S. dollar conversion. And, Titcoin is the only adult currency that can be converted into fiat money, aka dollars.

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