Titan Media Joins Porn Guardian’s Growing Family

FLORIDA—Titan Media has announced that it has expanded its fight against piracy to include Porn Guardian's services. Under the agreement, Porn Guardian will use its state-of-the-art platform on behalf of TitanMen's immense collection of adult films.

"In a very short time, Porn Guardian has shown itself as a very effective and valuable anti-piracy tool in the adult space,” said Keith Webb, Vice President of Titan Media. “They fill a unique niche in the anti-piracy fight by targeting cyber-locker sites which are the single biggest threat for downloaded content. As part of the services offered in conjunction the FSC APAP program we can cover all our bases by using both the Porn Guardian and the Vobile services. Porn Guardians services are effective and cost efficient, I wholeheartedly recommend them to all content owners as a necessary tool to fight online piracy."

Dominic Ford, a partner in Porn Guardian, added, "We are more than thrilled to add Titan Media to our roster of high-profile clients. TitanMen produces some of most well-known and well-liked content available today. Unfortunately, that means that it has huge piracy battles to wage. It is an honor to join forces with them as we work together to clean up the internet of their illegally traded content."

Porn Guardian is a Gold Sponsor at this year's Phoenix Forum, where it will introduce its community service program, IndustryGuardian.

"The industry can only win the battle against piracy if we are united as one,” said Ford. “Our IndustryGuardian program will bring the industry together and enable us to pro-actively shut down the worst offending blogs and pirates."

The initiative has already shut down several major blogs in the industry. Full details of the program will be announced in Phoenix.

For more information, contact [email protected] or visit the website at pornguardian.com.