The Free Porn Times Announces New Website Features

CYBERSPACE - "The site has grown from a simple blog to a proper e-zine featuring truly original content. Whilst we remain a spoof adult news site, the forum will allow us to touch on a variety of serious subjects such as strategies and best practice for creating a presence in Second Life, which is something we have experience of" - said site owner and editor Lhorentso Nurmi.


The free porn sites reviews are written in a humorous way but focus on real issues relating to content, navigation and ease of use. Sites are scored out of 1oo, and unlike many other review sites, opinions are not influenced by any type of affiliation.


The Second Life porn galleries are a collection of snap-shots taken ‘in-world' by Sly Writer, the site's resident Second Life, and offer a glimpse of how sex is experienced in meta worlds.


The new features can be found at:


Discussion Forums


Free Porn Site Reviews


Second Life Porn Galleries