TLAOnDemand Seeking New Straight Adult Studio Content For VOD

PHILADELPHIA -- and are searching for new straight adult content to place in their growing video-on-demand platform.

Studios and content providers not currently working with a video-on-demand provider are asked to get in touch and get plugged into the company's expanding VOD sites. Any studio will be considered, the company said.

"'s video-on-demand service is a growing entity in the market," said Managing Director of Straight Adult Brian Sokel. "However, to successfully expand, we need to bring more content to our end user so we wanted to get the word out. Come one, come all!"

TLA said it offers competitive royalty rates, excellent promotion for studios and a variety of pricing structures to suit any studio or content producer's needs.

Interested parties should contact Sokel at [email protected]. Viewers should stick with in the coming months to see who will be the next VOD superstar studio.

Founded in 1981, TLA Entertainment owns and operates the award-winning DVD retail Web sites and as well as the popular video-on-demand website,