SpeedBoink Undeterred by DDoS, Spam Attacks

LONDON, Ontario—Since the beginning of March, PTB Media, the owner and licensor of SpeedBoink.com, has been the victim of a malicious spam attack. Intent on causing damage to PTB Media's assets, spammers have perpetrated a massive campaign distributing non-compliant unsolicited emails with generic type-in links to SpeedBoink.com, the company reported. 

The first spam complaint of this attack was received on March 3, and was addressed immediately, the company said. Several attempts were made to trap the traffic from the spam links and redirect it to a spam notice, however the attackers continually adapted their links to hit non-trap pages. After a brief stoppage over the weekend, the perpetrators resumed their attack this week.

In addition to the spam campaign, SpeedBoink.com has been subject to an ongoing Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) since March 12. The spam attack and the DDoS attack have created a tremendous amount of extra work for PTB Media. Undeterred, the company has begun an aggressive investigation and intends on pursing the perpetrators by cooperating with law enforcement and through civil litigation. Despite the perpetrators efforts, SpeedBoink.com has managed to control the force of the attacks and remain online.

With thousands of spam complaints being received, PTB Media would like to publicly thank all of its customers, affiliates and vendors for their outpouring of support. PTB Media Senior Director Brent Hunter strongly condemns the perpetrators actions and indicates that PTB Media has received several leads regarding who is behind the attacks. 

"I have been overwhelmed by the support that we have received and thank everyone that has come forward with information regarding the identity of the perpetrators," Hunter said. "We will continue to work with Canadian authorities and our private legal counsel to hold those behind these attacks responsible."

PTB Media said that it will spare no expense in the defense of its assets and the prosecution of those responsible for these attacks. Adult industry attorney Corey D. Silverstein has been retained by PTB Media and has been interviewing potential witnesses that have been coming forward.  

"The adult industry is a fairly close community and there appears to be multiple individuals that know the identity of the perpetrators," Silverstein said. "The damages associated with these sorts of online attacks are massive and the adult industry should stand together in support of the victims of such attacks." 

PTB Media thanks everyone that has come forward with information regarding the identity of the perpetrators and encourages anyone with additional information to contact Hunter via email at [email protected]. All informants will be kept confidential.