Says Goodbye to Spam

MONTREAL, QC— intends to improve its user experience by purging any outgoing links that are not validated by site administrators.

This hard stance against directing users to potentially malicious sites will help better promote its content partners and ensure a safer and more pleasant user experience.

Webmasters using for affiliate marketing purposes are still welcome to use the site; however, they must do so within the new standard of user experience is now mandating, as the trust between administrators and users has been abused by spammers.

“It’s been a full-time job to keep up with these innovative spammers while still trying to provide a chance for the little guy who’s trying to get his images shared,” said project manager Martin Kelly. “We want to continue to work with and respect webmasters and program owners but we will need their cooperation by having them follow our community guidelines.”

Those currently using to promote their sites are requested to send an email containing their username and domain name(s) to [email protected] before July 4 to get the domain(s) whitelisted and to continue getting free traffic from also offers premium exposure on their site to official content sponsors. Those interested acquiring a sponsor package on may contact [email protected].

For additional information on how webmasters and program owners can use to promote their content, please refer to’s Site Etiquette page.