Pink Visual Offers ‘Early Adopter’ Discount for iPad 2 Users

VAN NUYS, Calif.—Pink Visual has announced that starting this Friday, in recognition of the iPad 2’s release, the studio will be offering a 30 percent “early adopter” discount on its iPad-optimized subscription sites, and to all visitors who access the sites from devices running the latest versions of Apple’s iOS.

“Our company has a lot of dedicated technophiles on staff, so we can relate to consumers who feel compelled to rush out and purchase the latest and greatest mobile devices,” said Allison Vivas, President of Pink Visual and its “sister” brand, the gay video line MaleSpectrum. “We thought it would be nice to reward early adopters of the iPad 2 by giving them a price break on content that will spice up their enjoyment of their newly purchased tablets.”

During the promotion, visitors using iPads to visit will be presented with the special offer automatically through a script that will identify users with devices running iOS 4.3 or 4.21 (the current version of the OS). The fact that the device detection criteria serves to expand the pool of discount-eligible users beyond true early adopters of the new iPad 2 is not lost on Pink Visual, Vivas said.

“In addition to lots of iPad 2 purchasing, we anticipate that many consumers will wind up getting their hands on refurbished and/or used iPad 1’s in the days ahead, as well,” Vivas said. “Either way, we’re happy to see growth in the iPad user-base, and we want to welcome them with open arms – and a healthy serving of Internet porn.”

The “early adopter” promotion starts Friday morning, March 11, and runs until the end of Thursday March 17