Payze Implements Loyalty Discount Feature

MORGANVILLE, NJ — Payment solutions company has added new feature to its billing system, Loyalty Discounts.

Loyalty Discounts allow clients to apply flat or percentage reductions to their paid memberships sites at the click of a button. Single or multiple discounts can seamlessly be applied one time or for months to come, and can efficiently be saved to other join options.

“With loyalty discounts, you no longer have to fuss with an overload of tedious forms; our system is a cinch compared to other programs,” says CEO Doug Wicks. “Each discount you apply can be viewed on a calculator built right in, there’s no need to keep track of anything on your own. Our focus is to help clients increase customer retention; we want you to be able to accomplish simple tasks in a fast and easy way.” is also a new sponsor of the Oktoberfest gathering. Come have a beer with us at the Hofbrau Haus in Las Vegas when we attend the AVN Internext Expo from January 10 - 15, and follow us on Twitter (@itpayze) to stay appraised of where the team will be daily. 

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