Launches Mobile White Label Site,

MOBILESPACE— webmasters have been asking for a mobile platform to monetize this hugely growing sector of traffic. With our new white label builder,, it can't get any simpler. You can literally be sending your mobile traffic to us in minutes with the simple addition of some code to your existing sites. Webmasters can customize the look and feel of the site by choosing any niche they want to feature and select from 12 different skins, with the option to send to one dollar or $4.99 tour versions.

With more and more consumers looking to get the most out of their mobile devices, delivers a big time product to a small screen. All of our movies have been encoded to give the best viewing experience while being more "data friendly" on file sizes, something our customers are liking a lot. has been posting excellent numbers throughout testing on all kinds of traffic. Do yourself a favor and grab your mobile white label code now and start sending hits and earning cash!

For more information, visit and