New Pure App Offers New Way To Find Sexual Partners

SAN FRANCISCO—A radical new app is set to revolutionize the way people find sexual partners. When Pure launches, it will help users meet sexual partners quickly, safely and without commitment or complication.

Pure was developed by GetPure Inc., a startup created by two entrepreneurs from the former USSR, inspired and advised by Carol Queen, respected U.S. author, sexologist, and a founding director at the Center for Sex & Culture in San Francisco. GetPure's vision supports the principles of the sex-positive movement which promotes and embraces open sexuality, with few limits beyond an emphasis on safe sex and the importance of informed consent. Sex positivity is an attitude towards human sexuality that regards all consensual adult sexual activities as fundamentally healthy and pleasurable, and encourages sexual pleasure and experimentation. 

Pure is about giving men and women freedom and choice. It can be as romantic or as practical as its users choose to make it. Pure is the application that people have dreamed of, but never dared ask for. Pure lets users decide whether to reveal themselves to interested partners, or move on to the next person. Pure is anonymous, nonjudgmental, liberating and has been designed to be used by anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or preferences.

Pure believes that some people are looking for just one partner, while others want to explore and enjoy. It's every individual's choice, and PURE helps them act on it! Pure is not an assault on committed relationships. It's creators see Pure as morally neutral, based on the emphatic belief that it is perfectly natural for a person to be committed to a long term relationship, yet retain the right to express their individuality when they feel the need.

Pure is simple to use and has a number of unique features which include self-destroying, time limited requests, moderation through confidential, mandatory user feedback, and the simple fact that users only ever see people who want the same things as them, are nearby and are looking to meet right now.

As soon as Pure has received approval from Apple, it will launch on a limited, invite-only basis across all major US cities, on a rolling format. Anyone who would like to be part of this rollout can register now for an invite at