New Flavors Increase Retention at

AMSTERDAM—As 2012 comes to a close, an onslaught of variety has stormed A mere glance at thhe site today could meet anything from weekly releases of the cute and informative ‘abbywinters education’ clips, casual and fun podcasts, to this month’s sultry erotique-noir ‘After Dark’ shoot.

The crew behind the twin ice-cream cones has had a remarkable year in expanding their already- impressive range. “We analyze the reasons customers provide when cancelling rebills, and see ‘lack of variety’ commonly cited,” said Garion Hall, CEO of, adding “In reaction to this, we added several different styles of content. We have noticed rebills-per-customer increasing in response to this. We started at around 5.0 times, and we’re currently at 7.2 times!” This means, the average monthly-rebilling customer rebills 7.2 times including their initial subscription, before cancelling rebills.

Perhaps making the biggest splash is the acceleration of abbywinters’ girl-boy shoots to being monthly releases. “Our scenes are of real-life loving couples, who are making love and having fun making their own sex-tape, so to speak. Of course, we can enjoy being voyeurs,” added Rhyss Hall,’s Creative Director.

The new ‘Editor's Choice’ clips highlight the best scenes of a fetish niche which are now a regular feature.  Additionally,  the  aptly  named  ‘Mystery  Shoots’  titillate  and  surprise  members  with experimental deviations from the standard fare.

Aside from these regular adornments to the experience, new styles of existing shoots are being toyed with; such as the cheekily public ‘Guerilla’ shoots, and the intimately amateur ‘Self shot’ variations of the established ‘Solo’ shoot format, which will also include girl- boy self-shots.