New Crypto-Currency WankCoin Gains Acceptance

TORONTO—Yet another adult-focused crypto-currency has launched recently and is already starting to make a name for itself. WankCoin, which launched via in May of 2014, is in use on hundreds of websites and is being actively supported by a robust mining community.

"Creating a cryptocurrency is the easy part now that Bitcoin blazed a trail, however where Bitcoin has failed it has also created opportunity for new innovators to build on their earlier success" said Greg Kazarian, part of the Wankcoin founding team. "Bitcoin showed the world that anonymous, encrypted and secure currency is something the world wants as much as it needs. The difficulties that have stunted their growth continue to come from a string of market meltdowns and high profile marketing nightmares that range from the Silkroad fiasco to the Mt.Gox meltdown. That history now holds it back from achieving the potential that was once laid out in front of it—and Wankcoin is the newer, better, cleaner cryptocoin poised to finally push decentralized money into the mainstream."

While some cryptocurrency that are struggling to find places where people can actually spend them, Wankcoin is accepted as payment on more than 200 adult sites, including

For those seeking to cash in on mining Wankcoin offers 600 seconds block target, 50 coins per block, halves every 210,000 blocks, total 21,000,000 coins, connection port is 9336, RPC port 9335 and confirms WankCoin utilizes a SHA-256 proof-of-work algorithm (the same hashing algorithm as Bitcoin). Miners can see the full GitHub details listed here and mining pools are growing quickly. The official pool is found at while syndicated pools have already formed here.

Wankcoin reports that it is also becoming accepted among the entire crypto-currency community well beyond adult portals. Currently trading on crypto-currency exchanges such as and, WankCoin has also been acknowledged by and, which are presently considering adding listings for this growing alternative currency.

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