Mobius Payments Website Undergoes Facelift

LOS ANGELES, CA  — Mobius Payments, Inc., has debuted its new and improved website, intended to provide an enhanced user experience with easier navigation and a more intuitive and responsive design.

Mia H., Mobius Payments CEO said of the change, “With it being a new year, we at Mobius Payments decided it was time for a website that was more in tune with today’s customer. We understand that many of our clients are accessing the Client Portal via mobile devices, so one of the changes was to make the site easier to navigate via mobile devices.”

“Regular visitors to will notice the difference immediately as the new layout is very easy to navigate with the changes. For example, the most frequently visited areas of the site are at the top of the page, no matter how far down the page you scroll thus eliminating the need to scroll back to the top whenever you wish to return to the Home page,” Mia added.

In addition to easy navigation and an intuitive menu for the goods and services provided by Mobius Payments, the new website features educational items such as a glossary of common words and phrases associated with credit card processing, merchant accounts, ecommerce, and the like.