Livebucks to Give $100 Payouts for All Signups Sent Using Superfeeds

MONTREAL—To celebrate the three year anniversary of their SuperFeeds retention program, the Livebucks webcam affiliate network, a division of Gamma Entertainment, will offer its affiliates $100 payouts for every single new signup they send using the Superfeeds plugin until the end of March 2010 – With no minimum commitments or sales targets to reach.

“The SuperFeeds plugin provides a complete solution to what affiliates are seeking in a promo tool,” says Sabrina Miller, Marketing Manager for “It’s free to use, offers exclusive content, is fully customizable and will now earn you $100 for every signup you send!”

During the month of March, all Livebucks affiliates who use the Superfeeds plugin in their member areas and choose PPS as their preferred payout method will receive $100 for every successful signup they send.

Both new and current Superfeeds users are considered eligible. To claim their increased payouts, affiliates are required to contact their Livebucks account manager at the end of the promotion period.

To set up your account, please visit

For more information on the Superfeeds program, please visit