Johnny V. Joins MaxCash

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - Affiliate program MaxCash announced Tuesday I-Bridge International founder Johnny V. has joined the company as director of business development.

"I am excited to work with such a well-established program" said Johnny V. "I have complete confidence that we are going to make a lot of affiliates a ton of new money in the very near future."

Max Cash has paid $550,000,000 to affiliates since its inception in 1996. Future goals include new billing strategies to provide even higher returns for affiliates and expanded personal service.

"We are taking an individual look at each webmaster account to help them to make more money with the traffic they send to Max Cash. This approach has proven to be enormously beneficial for our affiliates. In a time where most people are struggling to generate revenue, our affiliates have seen unprecedented growth," said RB, founder of Max Cash.  "Accompanying that personal service, we have brought on an industry veteran to assist us with looking at each webmaster account."

"During this economic downturn, we have seen significant growth," added Bob B, RB's brother and co-owner. "We want to assist webmasters in making more money, because as we have shown, a falling economy does not have to mean less money for our webmasters, or for affiliate programs."

Despite the economy, Johnny V. has a positive outlook.

"I believe that the doom and gloom of the economy is not a death knell. There is still plenty of new money out there to be had, and Max Cash is living proof of that," he said.

"I have been reviewing many facets of their operations and they are prepared from top to bottom to handle the hurdles that are facing the industry. From their technical operations to their billing practices to their attention to conversions, they are prepared. They have a history of staring down big challenges and coming out on top and this is a group with which I am excited to be affiliated."

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