GameLink Looks Back at 20 Years of Accomplishments

SAN FRANCISCO—GameLink today expressed its gratitude that for the past two decades it has been a valuable part of San Francisco, where the company achieved incredible growth as well as significant firsts in the tech industry.

“GameLink was the first tech company to open a business in the city’s struggling mid-Market area, now in the middle of a high-profile revitalization thanks to tax incentives and new tenants such as Twitter and Yammer,” the company said in a announcement. “GameLink also takes credit as the first adult e-commerce—and mobile e-commerce—company, the first to allow stream-to-own, day and date release and the first to sell cloud-based movie ownership in a personalized format.

“GameLink,” it continued, “doesn’t just strive to be the best; the company makes every effort to be the first of its kind to provide customers with one-of-a-kind service offered nowhere else.”

Jeff Dillon added, “We’re the first and only company to give our customers a seamless experience from computer to tablet to smartphone, anywhere in the world.”

GameLink also provided the following list of firsts:

- First business tech company to open business in the mid-market

- First adult e commerce

- Adult internet based e commerce

- Dynamic website

- Catalogue, star index, search

- Personalization


- Search Engine Marketing

- First personalized mail tool

- First with dynamic just in time inventory management system

- Long tail catalogue (before the term was coined)

- First adult mobile e-commerce platform

- Day and date release

- Branding platform for multiple brands

- First allow to stream to own

- First to sell cloud-based movie ownership

- Deliver content internationally and allow Global CDN

- To open into Europe - GameLink International - owns the rights

- Mobile/tablet - only adult company providing seamless experience for all smartphone and tablet users

For more information, go here.