FleshDrive Signs Hustler

NEW YORKFleshDrive, which opened its doors in 2010 and has already signed more than ten studios, is off to a running start in 2011. The company has announced that they have signed Hustler Video.

Michelle Liss, VP of sales for FleshDrive, could not be more thrilled. "This is a big one. My customers are already driving me nuts for more titles,” she said. “I can't wait! I have a feeling we're going to sell out the first month of offering these."

Hustler Video is owned by Larry Flynt Publications and is part of its Hustler-branded range of enterprises, which includes Hustler magazine, the Hustler Casino and the Hustler Hollywood retail outlets.

In 2003, Hustler Video bought VCA Pictures, which maintains a separate brand identity within the LFP conglomerate. Hustler Video is especially famous for its porn parody movies of celebrities, such as Paris Hilton, David Hasselhoff or Lindsay Lohan, or TV shows, like Happy Days, Star Trek or Glee.

FleshDrive is very pleased with this new venture with Hustler. “We know that Hustler will compliment our current brand very well offering even more of our customer’s favorite content,” said VP of sales Michael Gruosso.

FleshDrive is growing each day and this just goes to show that FleshDrive is here to stay.

“We will have Hustler parody drives coming out, as well as a number of their other popular series that everyone loves,” added Gruosso. “Hustler is very excited to create a FleshDrive kiosk in each and every Hustler brick and mortar store. We are very excited about our partnership with Hustler; we know it's going to be huge for us.”

 For wholesale inquiries, contact Mike Gruosso at [email protected] or by phone at (866) 863-8202.