Elevated X Offers Tube Tour for its Pay Site CMS

CYBERSPACE—Leading pay site automation software company Elevated X has just announced the release of a tube style tour for its Elevated X content management system. This announcement follows the release of a brand new CMS version update in April.

"We've stayed true to our promise to keep customers up to date with the current trends and offer them multiple updates every year. Surfers are getting more used to these layouts and we expect tube tours to be a huge advantage for our customers." says Elevated X co-founder and CEO AJ Hall.

The company's site announces the tube tour as plug-and-play and says any Elevated X version 3.2 user can publish a tube style tour instantly and assign content to it and batch create video screen caps for mouse-over animation by checking a few boxes. Zero coding is required.

"I can't predict the future of pay sites but I believe we'll see a number of new business models emerging, among them the use of tube style front ends that up-sell premium interactive member's areas,” Hall added. “From a marketing and SEO standpoint the use of multiple tours and tours with depth and vast numbers of pages is critical. If pay site owners stand a chance at competing for free traffic they need to cast the biggest net possible and maximize their sales. Transparent tours and tube-style tours are the fastest and easiest way."

The tube style tour comes in addition to the product's long list of existing pay site management and money making features. This list includes member interactivity, automatic video encoding, affiliate FHG generator, all access pass network management, automated tour management, DVD catalog management, banner and ad rotation, limited trial and free trial areas, iPad and mobile pay sites and dozens of other cost and time saving functions.

For more information and a demo of the Elevated X CMS and tube tour please visit www.elevatedx.com or call 1-800-690-9277.