Elevated X Adult CMS Software Adds SEO Enhancement

LOS ANGELES, CA — Webmasters can debate the usefulness of SEO tricks in the new century, but their value is clear to many, which is why Elevated X has added SEO file naming to its adult content management system (CMS) products growing list of features.

Site administrators can now further optimize their sites for better search engine rankings by adding a custom “SEO URL” name for each update, model, news entry and more. Once a custom name is entered for a given page, that page is assigned the custom file name with an .html file extension.

“Since all the text on a site can be edited from inside the CMS admin panel, no coding is required and no web skills are needed to employ some basic search engine optimization strategies,” says Elevated X CEO, AJ Hall.

The new feature works with Elevated X powered tours, as well as free and limited trial areas. Most importantly, the feature works with “transparent” tours — deep tours that can easily span hundreds or many thousands of pages which are then indexed by search engines.

“This gives pay site owners a tremendous advantage,” says Hall, “especially when competing with tubes for search engine traffic.”

Starting immediately this feature is standard with all new CMS software installations.

Any existing Elevated X version 3.2 customers that would like this SEO feature will be provided with a new set of default CMS templates that contain the SEO capability, free of charge.