Cherry Media CEO Pens Article on Generational Female Perceptions of Porn

BARCELONA, Spain—Cherry Media founder and CEO Julia Dimambro has published an article titled “4 Women, 4 Generations, 4 Perceptions … of Porn!” to that takes an in-depth look at the views of four women from different generations and how they perceive adult entertainment, access control and the recent clamp down in the UK.

"The article investigates how adult entertainment and its availability has changed through the ages and how the sexual revolution has brought sexual equality and higher awareness for women," explained the company in an announcement issued Thursday. "How do women feel about a market that is mainly focused on male satisfaction and does adult entertainment still push through social boundaries? Now that we live in the digital age, what does an average woman of any age think about how this type of entertainment is regulated? How effective is the protection of minors and how does easier access via smartphones impact teenager’s perception of what ‘real sex’ actually is? This article gets to the bones of all these current issues, asking women from retirement age down to the teenager whose lifestyle we are trying to protect!"

Julia Dimambro commented, “I really had no idea how this article would turn out," "I was discussing the topic of adult entertainment and the new online regulations that have come into play recently in the U.K. over a coffee with a few friends (as you do when you’re in my business!) and I started to see really interesting variations in how each woman interpreted both erotica and the regulation thereof. This created the framework for the article.

"What amazed me more, once it was completed," she continued, "was that in the opinion of four well-educated, family oriented, but none the less totally different women, of different ages and from different cultures (Spanish, Dutch, English), not one of them saw adult entertainment as a beast that needs to be squashed by what appears to be media-hyped censorship. In-fact, they all believed it would only serve to increase adult entertainment’s lure and appeal, rather than effectively control access to it. Look at examples like prohibition in the 30’s.”

The Contributors to the article were:

Ms Boomer (67) generation Baby Boomer, era - sexual revolution

Ms Liberation (43) generation X, era - female independence

Ms Digital (29) generation Y, era - the digital revolution

Miss Teen Queen (15) generation Z, era - digital lifestyle

For more information about Cherry media, go here.