Online Adult Classifieds Hits the 100K Post Mark

COLUMBUS, OH—When it comes to the finding local escorts, body rubs and other adult services, there is a new sheriff in town. has taken the world by storm with its innovative posting features, wide reach and uncensored content. Online for just a few months, has announced a major content milestone—its one hundred thousandth post. Growing at break neck speed, the site says it is quickly becoming the place to go to find local, professional adult services.

While the rapid growth has stunned some industry insiders, its success is neither an accident nor a shock to's CEO, who prefers to remain identified.

“We know we have a great site with one-of-a-kind features,” said the CEO. “We also know that people need a place to go to find safe, reliable adult services. Getting to our one hundred thousandth post this quickly is really encouraging, but I can’t say that I am surprised. People are catching on quickly and I couldn’t be prouder.” says its success can be directly attributed to its aggressive and innovative strategy to deliver what consumers want while allowing service providers the freedom to get the word out about their products and services. By picking up where sites like Craigslist and others leave off, says it is positioning itself to be the leading provider of free adult service ads in the world. As other sites have backed off of free escort and body rub ads, says it will continue to provide them with a setting that is safe, professional and convenient for both service provider and consumers.

Expanding the idea of free escort and body rub ads, is also providing users with features not found on other sites, such as the “Featured Ad” option available to service providers, which makes ads stand out by setting them off to the side of the text listings and by framing them in yellow, making them impossible to miss. This is just one of the many features offers to service providers, to make it the premium site for adult listings.

“Everything we do at is to make things easier for our users,” adds the CEO. “From our innovative features to our free listings we are always trying to give people everything they want and more.”

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