Armen G. Named COO of New Online Company ContentGrove

LAS VEGAS -- Content Grove, a new content distribution company, has launched and hired adult industry veteran Armen G. as Chief Operations Officer.

Content Grove offers contemporary, classic and vintage adult content, straight and gay. A "transparency" feature allows studios to see a detailed listing of every sale made to sites and where their titles are being sold.

Content Grove has also embedded featuresallow payouts in increments determined by producers, usually twice a month.

 "We have experienced the pain of searching on the sites where you have to navigate through 20 to 25 pages to find a new title or a specific performer," a company rep said. "Our site is designed to have the content you are looking for quickly.  By saving you time, eliminating the frustration of ridiculous searches and providing excellent customer support, we believe that with these features we will build trust and long-term business relationships."

The company also is confident about its new COO.  With more than eight years in adult providing technical service and support in addition to encoding and Web design, Armen G. is positioned to keep moving Content Grove forward, the company's statement noted.

For additional information on webmaster and sales opportunities, as well as available titles, visit