2000Charge 'Smart Button' Simplifies Alternative Payments

PASADENA, Calif.—2000Charge has announced the introduction of a new Alternative Payments smart button, which headlines their signature Alternative Payments brand. The Smart Button allows merchants the ability to maximize their global sales and the increased flexibility of accepting a variety of alternative solutions through one simple button.

"It's one line of code and it takes only minutes to add our smart button in a color and style that matches your existing payment page on any website," said Wolf Kring, CEO of 2000Charge.  

"The Alternative Payments smart button automatically identifies the client's country and with one click provides the client's local payment options, giving the merchant a touch of local presence. Being able to accept dozens of secure Worldwide Payment options delivers new revenue from consumers who want to buy from you but are unwilling or unable to use traditional credit cards."

Alternative Payments smart button powered by 2000Charge is a safe and secure way to generate increased earning potential for online merchants while giving their customers the ease of paying with their payment method of choice. Offering potential customers the maximum number of payment options with the greatest amount of simplicity is the key to converting the highest ratio of visitors into buyers.

For more information, including a complete list of alternative payment methods provided by the 2000Charge Alternative Payments smart button, visit 2000Charge.com or call (626) 585-1814.