Munich Court Issues 2 Rulings in Case Between epi24, EIS GmbH

MUNICH, Germany—The Munich District Court I recently issued two rulings in the legal dispute between  epi24 and EIS GmbH.

Epi24 is the maker of the Womanizer brand of items, while EIS is the maker of the Satisfyer range of products.

According to a press release issued by epi24, the Munich District Court ordered EIS GmbH to refrain from advertising with the statement “Satisfyer engages public prosecutor´s office against womanizer.”

“The court agreed with the opinion of ‘Womanizer’ that such a statement appears to create the incorrect assumption that ‘Womanizer’ had behaved unlawfully,” the release said. “In doing so, the esteem held for “womanizer” is degraded with respect to its entrepreneurial quality or products.”

Johannes von Plettenberg, managing director of the Womanizer group, said: “We are pleased that German courts are not permitting such behaviour in the form of an untrue degradation of our products and are sanctioning them appropriately.”

In the second judgment, according to the PR, the court confirmed the interim injunction dated June 4, 2017, against EIS GmbH and granted Womanizer injunctive relief.

The reason for the action taken against Womanizer was a statement made by EIS GmbH in the course of trade: “Our own technology, which is already protected in Germany“, with which EIS GmbH advertised for its pressure and contact vibrators using the name “Satisfyer.”

EIS GmbH did not present any protection covered by patent law, the statement from epi24 said. The court agreed with Womanizer and ordered EIS GmbH to refrain from making such statements.

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