Williams Trading Offers COVID-19 Retailers Guide on YouTube

PENNSUAKEN, N.J.—Williams Trading Co. has uploaded a condensed version of their COVID-19: A Retailer’s Guide e-Learning module, which was originally posted on Williams Trading University, to YouTube for all wholesale adult retailers.

The COVID-19: A Retailer's Guide YouTube video shares best practices for retailers concerned about COVID-19, tips to sanitizing your store, and how to keep your employees and customers healthy. 

All of the information in the video comes from the CDC's website, but has been pared down to the essentials that will help adult retailers. 

The COVID-19: A Retailer’s Guide e-Learning module on Williams Trading University also printable PDFs for your store, and links to more information on COVID-19 on the CDC’s website. 

Disclaimer: The subject matter contained within this video and the e-Learning course has been prepared using resources found on the CDC and the EPA’s websites. All of the material, including images and reference sheets, are for informational purposes only.  All content is provided on an “as-is” basis. No guarantees as to results are implied.

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