SOS Distribution Urges Preparation, Not Panic

LOS ANGELES—As people ensure they are stocked up on water, toiletries, non-perishables, and other vital necessities for their homes, SOS Distribution is reminding pleasure products companies to ensure they are stocked up for their businesses as well.

“The global pandemic is spreading here stateside; it's crucial now more than ever to properly stock up on your top selling brands and products,” the company said in a release.

SOS Distribution is working around the clock to stay ahead of the crisis, however it's up to individual buyers to properly stock individual products while supplies last.

Ports are backed up. Borders are closing. Travel has come to a screeching halt. It's time to take advantage of being in the adult industry How?

“There will be delays and shortages for nearly all industries, we're no different. However, our industry will likely turn profits as people stay home from work, travel, and group outings,” Hamed Allen, CEO of SOS Distribution said. “No one is calculating the amount of ‘NetFlix and Chill’ people are going to be conducting! That means they will need enhancers, lubes, condoms, and toys for all the ‘stay home’ action, and the worst thing you can do is run out of stock. Be vigilant and stay ahead of this crisis.

“I got word last night that China keeps running out of condoms,” Allen continued. “My friend in quarantine overseas sends me nightly updates and adult products are continuously selling out just like toilet paper! It's not a time to panic but it's most definitely a time to stay well prepared. Instead of panicking, devise solutions for free delivery, free shipping, anything clever to safely get your products into buyers hands! The demand is cumming!”

Given the current climate, SOS Distribution has allotted “classic” brands as emergency stock to help fellow resellers stock up and turn profits through murky waters. Supplies are limited, and priced accordingly with no price gouging or upcharges. SOS Distribution stocked up months ago to ensure they can pass the savings onto buyers during a crucial time of need.

For more information contact Jorge Solorzano at [email protected].