Skwert Debuts New Variety Packs of Douches

LOS ANGELES—Skwert bulbs in soft silicone, small ABS, and deep-cleaning ABS nozzles, are now available in one convenient pack. The nozzles are translucent for easy cleaning. 

The new Skwert bulbs are available in three sizes and each pack includes all three nozzles:

• Soft silicone 4.2"x5" with one hole
• Deep cleaning ABS plastic 5.4"x5.8" with eight holes
• Firm easy insert ABS plastic 3.3"x3" with one hole

C1R B2B co-owner Rob Novinger says, "We wanted to upgrade the small douche category experience by including multiple nozzles with a range of sizes."

The body-safe and odorless PVC bulb sizes include 3 oz. ( 3"x2.5"), 8 oz. (4"x3") and 11 oz. (3.5"x5"). The sizes are ideal for traveling.