purePassionate.com Launches Affiliate Program purePassionateCash.com

Oakland, CAThe folks at purePassionate are — well — pretty passionate about sex toys and making money. Now they’re even more passionate, because the company has launched its first affiliate program: purePassionateCash.com.

As the name suggests, the new site offers opportunities for purePassionate’s followers to generate additional income or even turn it into a full-time occupation. 

Despite the economic downturn throughout the US, the sex toy industry has been showing impressive growth during the last few years. The industry’s growth has not been limited to the USA, though; it’s actually a global phenomenon. Against this backdrop, purePassionate has zoomed to the top by offering the widest choices of toys; more than 50,000 and counting. The site also offers the best prices possible, coupled with numerous promotions and sales.

“Giving our loyal buyers an opportunity to take part in the growth is our way of thanking them for their support,” the company said in a statement.

Using Share-a-Sale as the platform, purePassionate’s affiliate program offers easy tracking and use of creativity that will suit all affiliate levels. Cookies last up to 90 days and commissions are high at 20 percent plus 5 percent bonuses. The program, which launched just under four months ago, has already seen more than 2800 merchant sign up.

Budding entrepreneurs can put up their own online adult stores, with purePassionate taking care of hosting, building, designing and supplying the products. Three own-a-store programs are offered, priced at $1,500, $1,900 and $2,500. The low start-up cost means that nearly anyone can have his or her store and be off and running in a matter of days.