Pjur Reports Brand Recognition Boom in Chinese Market

LUXEMBOURG—In what it is calling a triumphant return to the largest consumer market in Asia, personal lube and pleasure products manufacturer Pjur Group announced that the company’s brand recognition has hit more than 10 million Chinese consumers. Asia—China, specifically—is by far the fastest-growing consumer market after the United States and Europe.

Reported a spokesperson for the firm, Pjur partner Orange Adult organized a recent business-to-consumer sales event for selected sellers and partners. “And, all were met with great enthusiasm and anticipation,” noted a press statement. “A complete success for Pjur!”

The press statement indicated that Pjur now “meets the requirement of Chinese consumers” with a slate of planned products that would allow the manufacturer to strengthen its key position in the wider pleasure products retail category. Alexander Giebel, founder and managing director of Pjur, explained how the Chinese market is important for the company's entire business moving forward.

“China is an important market for us—not only because of the sales figures but also because of the developments within the erotic industry as it moves towards online trade and marketing,” Giebel said. “With our local partner, we have shown we can successfully drive sales actions. The numbers speak for themselves. A complete success—for both Orange Adult and Pjur.”

Pjur’s statement explained that employees were prevented from meeting with business partners in China due to geo-political conditions, including the global COVID-19 pandemic and zero-COVID conditions within the People’s Republic of China. Luckily, Pjur staff was able to connect directly with their colleagues in China over the internet to augment business relationships over the past three and half years. Giebel, with sales manager Marco Schneider and COO/CCO Ralph Ehses, went on a one-week trip to China in May 2023 to discuss developments in the pleasure market in China and develop new products specific to that market, in collaboration with Orange Adult.

Orange Adult, as a local partner, has more than 400 retail stores and a mobile app. It is also active on “all relevant sales platforms and uses increasingly new, innovative sales channels.”

Pjur is a brand that “stands for improving the sex life and quality of life of people worldwide.” Its product portfolio comprises 60 premium products in a range of different categories, including water and silicone lubricants, delay products and niche products for specialists and fetishists.