pjur Supports Drag Performance in Hamburg

HAMBURG, GermanyThe Pulverfass Cabaret, which claims to be the second-oldest drag theatre in the world, celebrated its 50th birthday with a celebration at St. Pauli in Hamburg on Sep. 10, where lubricants manufacturer pjur was the main sponsor.

As the main sponsor of the event, pjur, acted as chaperone for the evening. pjur provided custom sachet cards for the event's table centerpieces and provided a goody bag highlight: the pjur Infinity Pleasure Box. It was handed out to all the guests after the event.

pjur wishes Pulverfass Cabaret, a landmark of Hamburg’s entertainment and cultural history, much success in the future and is proud that it can support both diversity and drag. 

More background information and an overview of pjur’s products are available at pjur.com.

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