Hot Octopuss Selling New Pocket Pulse Items Every 15 Minutes

LONDON—British pleasure products company Hot Octopuss’ new Pocket Pulse range is hitting record numbers with a sale of one of the items every 15 minutes.

Pocket Pulse and Pocket Pulse Remote, launched late last year, are the company’s latest guybrators, now lightweight and compact enough to slip right into a pocket or suitcase. Demand for the new toys has been fast and furious; sales between January and March show one of the toys being sold on average every 15 minutes.

Reviewers have been impressed with the products too: Candy Snatch Reviews described the Pocket Pulse experience as “a super-charged wank”; Kayla Lords said, “he loved the Pocket Pulse, and it’s sitting in his nightstand drawer right now, which is our ultimate praise for any sex toy”; and senior sex blogger Joan Price’s 74-year-old tester said the toy gave him an “explosive and deeply satisfying orgasm”.

While the Pocket Pulse is intended for solo use, Pocket Pulse Remote comes with a handy remote to allow partners to play together. Both the Pocket Pulse and Remote boast dual vibrating motors for a revolutionary stroker that delivers new heights of pleasure.

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