Holistic Wisdom Shares Lubricant Guide For Mermaiding Community

BEND, Ore.—Holistic Wisdom, Inc., a sexual wellness company, has just unveiled a guide designed to assist professional mermaids, mermen, and merpeople in choosing body and environment-safe personal lubricants, a must-have tool for wearing their silicone or latex mermaid tails. 

The guide is a unique contribution to the rapidly growing half-billion-dollar industry of professional mermaiding, a trend currently highlighted in the acclaimed Netflix series Merpeople.

The guide, penned by Lisa Lawless, Ph.D., is a resource that underlines the significance of personal lubricants for the ease of putting on monofins while ensuring the preservation of aquatic life in pools or tanks. 

Lawless said of the guide, "Given the explosion of interest in mermaiding, both professionally and as a hobby, I felt it was crucial to offer guidance on the safe and effective use of lubricants that respect both the merpeople's health and the aquatic environment they perform in."

For more information and to view the guide, click here