Holistic Wisdom Releases Disability, Sex, & Discrimination Guide

BEND, Ore.—Holistic Wisdom, Inc. has released a comprehensive guide on disability, sex, and discrimination, authored by psychotherapist Lisa Lawless, Ph.D. The guide emphasizes the pressing need for sexual health equity for disabled individuals. 

The guide provides essential resources on various disabilities and their impact on sexual functioning, desire, and relationships. It emphasizes the significance of inclusive and accessible sex toys for disabled people, as well as addresses the challenges faced by those with chronic illness, mental health challenges, cancer treatments, long COVID, and more.

Shedding light on ableism, discrimination, and health inequities faced by disabled individuals, particularly in sexual health, is a significant facet of the guide, as well as emphasizing the responsibilities of sex toy retailers and manufacturers to provide resources and products for disabled people. 

Lawless said, "My hope in writing this guide and others like it is to inspire positive change, to challenge ableism, and to foster disability awareness and provide accommodating products and resources."  

For further information, refer to the full guide here.

Visit HolisticWisdom.com for more information about the company.