Hemp Bombs CBD Products Now Available From East Coast News

HIGHTSTOWN, NJ—Top adult product distributor East Coast News (ECN) is now making Hemp Bombs, one of the leading brands in effective, organically-grown CBD products, available to its retailers and Web customers.

Hemp Bombs feature a variety of products sourced from premium grade organic hemp that is grown without pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, heavy metals or other chemicals. Its diverse product line includes edibles, topicals, sublinguals and vape oils, all without a trace of THC, but with all the health benefits of CBD.

Among its best-selling products are its CBD Gummies, supplement capsules, CBD Syrup, lollipops, and pet products. With pure CBD as its primary ingredient, Hemp Bombs products provide therapeutic effects such as improved natural sleep, mood enhancer, stress reduction, pain relief and a healthier lifestyle.

“Hemp Bombs is on the forefront of the CBD revolution with its unique health and wellness products and we are pleased to add these to our offerings,” said Lynda Mort, vice president of sales and marketing. “Our customers appreciate the ease of one-stop shopping and this brand has successfully crossed over into a wider market. It is our privilege to recommend Hemp Bombs' wide range of safe, premium grade, contaminant-free and effective CBD products to all of our retail and web customers.”

“We’re very excited about our partnership with East Coast News. As a leader in the industry, we know we’ll be successful in getting Hemp Bombs into lots of stores across the country!” said a representative for Hemp Bombs.

For more information, contact an ECN sales representative or visit ECN.com.