Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey Pens Articles for YourTango

LOS ANGELES—Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey, a clinical psychologist, accredited advanced GSRD (gender, sex, relationship diversity) therapist, sex and intimacy coach, author, podcast host, speaker, and TV presenter, has written several featured articles for YourTango, a leading online magazine dedicated to love and relationships.
Dr. Bisbey has over 35 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and polyamorous groups to help them create and maintain authentic relationships with sex and without shame. She is also the host of "The A to Z of Sex" podcast and the resident specialist relationship therapist for Open House: The Great Sex Experiment on Channel 4 in the U.K.
Find the articles here:
Dr. Bisbey said, "I'm delighted to be a part of YourTango and share my expertise with their readers. I believe that everyone deserves to have fulfilling and satisfying relationships with themselves and others. My goal is to help people overcome their challenges, explore their desires and discover their potential for pleasure and happiness."
To learn more about Bisbey, find and follow her at DrLoriBethBisbey.comTwitterInstagram, Facebook @drloribethbisbey, Tiktok @loribethuk, and at The-a-to-z-of-sex.captivate.fm.